Perspectives""Advance Care Planning in Brazil

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TARDELLI, Natalia Rocha
VIDAL, Edison Iglesias de Oliveira
Projetos de Pesquisa
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Brazil is a country of continental size marked by extreme social inequalities. Its regulation of Advance Directives (AD) was not enacted by law but within the scope of the norms that govern the relationships between patients and physicians, as a resolution of the Federal Medical Council without any specific requirement for notarization. Despite this innovative starting point, most of the debate regarding Advance Care Planning (ACP) in Brazil has been dominated by a legal transactional approach focused on making decisions in advance and the creation of AD. Yet, other novel ACP models have recently emerged in the country with a focus on the creation of a specific quality of relationship between patients, families, and physicians aiming at the facilitating future decision-making. Most of the education on ACP in Brazil happens in the context of palliative care courses. As such, most ACP conversations are performed within palliative care services or by healthcare professionals with training in that area. Hence, the scarce access to palliative care services in the country means that ACP is still rare and that those conversations usually happen late in the course of disease. The authors posit that the existing paternalistic healthcare culture is one of the most important barriers to ACP in Brazil and envision with great concern the risk that its combination with extreme health inequalities and the lack of healthcare professionals' education on shared decision-making could lead to the misuse of ACP as a form of coercive practice to reduce healthcare use by vulnerable populations.
Advance Care Planning, Proactive health planning, Advance directives, Brazil, Review
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